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Code CAD Birdhouse

This is the birdhouse used to demonstrate many different code cad tools.

We can have a look at the rendered shape.

And here is what the code looks like.

const defaultParams = {
height: 85.0,
width: 120.0,
thickness: 2.0,
holeDia: 50.0,
hookHeight: 10.0,

const { drawCircle, draw, makePlane } = replicad;

function main(
{ width: inputWidth, height, thickness, holeDia, hookHeight }
) {
const length = inputWidth;
const width = inputWidth * 0.9;

const tobleroneShape = draw([-width / 2, 0])
.lineTo([0, height])
.lineTo([width / 2, 0])
.sketchOnPlane("XZ", -length / 2)
.shell(thickness, (f) => f.parallelTo("XZ"))
.fillet(thickness / 2, (e) =>
.either([(f) => f.inPlane("XY"), (f) => f.inPlane("XY", height)])

const hole = drawCircle(holeDia / 2)
.sketchOnPlane(makePlane("YZ").translate([-length / 2, 0, height / 3]))

const base = tobleroneShape.cut(hole);
const body = base.clone().fuse(base.rotate(90));

const hookWidth = length / 2;
const hook = draw([0, hookHeight / 2])
.smoothSplineTo([hookHeight / 2, 0], -45)
.lineTo([hookWidth / 2, 0])
.line(-hookWidth / 4, hookHeight / 2)
.smoothSplineTo([0, hookHeight], {
endTangent: 180,
endFactor: 0.6,
.translate([0, thickness / 2, height - thickness / 2]);

return body.fuse(hook);