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Opencascade bottle

If you have dabbled in opencascade you have read the bottle tutorial. So what does it look like with replicad?

We can have a look at the rendered shape.

And here is what the code looks like.

const defaultParams = {
width: 50,
height: 70,
thickness: 30,

const { draw, makeCylinder, makeOffset, FaceFinder } = replicad;

const main = (
{ width: myWidth, height: myHeight, thickness: myThickness }
) => {
let shape = draw([-myWidth / 2, 0])
.vLine(-myThickness / 4)
.threePointsArc(myWidth, 0, myWidth / 2, -myThickness / 4)
.vLine(myThickness / 4)
.fillet(myThickness / 12);

const myNeckRadius = myThickness / 4;
const myNeckHeight = myHeight / 10;
const neck = makeCylinder(
[0, 0, myHeight],
[0, 0, 1]

shape = shape.fuse(neck);

shape = / 50, (f) =>
f.inPlane("XY", [0, 0, myHeight + myNeckHeight])

const neckFace = new FaceFinder()
.containsPoint([0, myNeckRadius, myHeight])
.find(shape.clone(), { unique: true });

const bottomThreadFace = makeOffset(neckFace, -0.01 * myNeckRadius).faces[0];
const baseThreadSketch = draw([0.75, 0.25])
.halfEllipse(2, 0.5, 0.1)
.sketchOnFace(bottomThreadFace, "bounds");

const topThreadFace = makeOffset(neckFace, 0.05 * myNeckRadius).faces[0];
const topThreadSketch = draw([0.75, 0.25])
.halfEllipse(2, 0.5, 0.05)
.sketchOnFace(topThreadFace, "bounds");

const thread = baseThreadSketch.loftWith(topThreadSketch);

return shape.fuse(thread);